Winter Luxe at Lela

This week has marked the (probable) official end of the Indian Summer we were blessed with this year in Milwaukee. And although we are sad to see it go, taking with it the sandals, exposed skin, wispy fabrics, bright hues, and patio cocktails...

...we're more than ready for the real Wisconsin weather!

Thanksgiving and Christmas are nearing our horizon with the inevitable chill and snowstorms. At this point, there may be a few things on your mind:

  • Chill. Snowstorms. It gets inhumane at times, and especially cruel when there's a driveway to shovel and a windshield to scrape.
  • Your growing list of those to shop for as the Holidays approach (not to mention your budget).
  • Winter fashion! In Wisconsin, practicality takes precedence when piling on the extra layers and heavy materials.

As per our custom, we have you covered on any and all of the above. Our Winter pieces are continually arriving and are the perfect fit for any style, budget, and wardrobe update without compromising warmth!