Lela Boutique

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What We're Thankful For

We are extremely fortunate to have had many things to be thankful for lately. 

The holidays are always a special time for us to spend with our loved ones and feel gratitude for life's blessings. But truthfully, it's easy to lose sight of these things in the chaotic aftermath of Thanksgiving.

Each year, we are always asked in advance what kinds of discounts or specials we will be offering at Lela for the year's biggest shopping weekend. This year, we thought we would try something different: putting the focus on giving back rather getting a deal.

We extend a thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone that shopped with us during this past weekend. Our Good Karma Sale directly benefited an important Milwaukee charity, the Journey House. 5% of all sales from Friday to Monday have been donated to empowering impoverished families. We are so blessed to have a resource like this in our community and like always, we had so much fun with all of you that shopped with us.

Of course, Lela is able to be a successful and fun place to shop because of you! It's truly a blessing to have shared a special relationship with our customers and the Third Ward over the past 12 years. We threw a party to celebrate on November 12th and would like to share photos taken on the red carpet of some truly fabulous women. Thank you to Doug Cheever for capturing these moments!

And-lastly-thank you for your continuous love for Lela, the Third Ward, Milwaukee, and style and fashion in general!

(Special thank you to Doug Cheever for the photos!)